Venue Information

8th Annual Gap Analysis Meeting

July 20 - 24, 1998
The University of California
Santa Barbara, California

Aerial view of UC, Santa Barbara About UCSB

The 8th Annual GAP Meeting will take place at the University of California, Santa Barbara, from Monday, July 20 to Friday, July 24, 1998.

The Santa Barbara Region

Santa Barbara is located in a low coastal valley between the Santa Ynez mountains to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The community lies roughly 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles and 330 miles south of San Francisco. The city is served by a commercial airport, train, and bus transportation, as well as scenic Highway 101 along the coast. The climate is Mediterranean, with mild to warm, dry summers, and cool, wet winters. Santa Barbara County numbered 357,608 residents in the 1990 census, 85,000 of whom live within the city limits.

For a general overview of Santa Barbara's highlights: Welcome to Santa Barbara

You can contact the Santa Barbara Conference and Visitors Bureau directly at 1-805-966-9222

Several companies offer free reservation services for accommodations.

    Hot Spots: 1-800-793-7666
    Accomodations: 1-800-292-2222
    Bed and Breakfast Reservations: 1-800-557-7898
Sample Attractions:

    Channel Islands National Park and National Marine Sanctuary
    Los Padres National Forest
    Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
    SB Museum of Natural History
    SB Zoological Gardens
    El Presidio State Historic Park
    Vandenberg Air Force Base

Santa Barbara Weather Information on the Web

    Santa Barbara Weather (The Weather Channel)
    Santa Barbara Average Monthly Conditions
    Current Radar for Santa Barbara

University of California, Santa Barbara

The University of California at Santa Barbara is located within the Goleta Valley, ten miles north of downtown Santa Barbara and adjacent to the Santa Barbara Airport. The 989-acre campus occupies a picturesque palm- and eucalyptus-lined plateau overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The campus accommodates approximately 18,500 students. As a research-oriented university, UCSB has extensive laboratory facilities and a 2.2 million volume library. In addition, the library has an excellent collection of maps and satellite and aerial images. In 1995, UC Santa Barbara was admitted to the 60-member Association of American Universities for "making a major contribution to the advancement of the nations' research base and to the education of the nation's next generation of scientists and scholars." The high standards of scholarship, attention to the individual student and the tradition of informality combine to make the campus a unique blend of academic excellence and individual achievement. With its beautiful seaside location, comfortable accommodations, exceptional food, excellent service and high educational standards, we hope you'll find this your best conference ever!

UCSB virtual points of interest:

    UCSB Conference Services

    Biogeography Lab (CA-GAP)
    Department of Geography
    Institute for Computational Earth System Science
    Map and Imagery Lab, Davidson Library
    Marine Science Institute
    National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
    National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
    Remote Sensing Research Unit
    School for Environmental Science and Management
    Sedgwick, Carpinteria Salt Marsh, and Coal Oil Point Reserves

UCSB Vicinity Map
UCSB Campus Map

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