Crosswalk from State to Regional Cover Types

Last Revised September 30, 1996

Formation Alliance Type # Alliance Type Name WA (Xwalk) ID OR CA NV UT WY CO
Rounded-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen closed tree canopy
111 11 Pinus contorta
10, 10A-E, R5 514-515, 531, 538 86100 24 4 42004(f) 42004(f)
111 12 Pinus jeffreyi

85100(f), 85210(f) 32

111 13 Pinus ponderosa
534, 535(f) 84210(f), 84220(f), 87100
3 42010(f) 42010(f)
111 14 Pinus ponderosa-Pseudotsuga menziesii 39 8E 527, 542 84230


Conical-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen closed tree canopy
112 20 Abies magnifica, Tsuga mertensiana 79
517, 536 85310, 87200
25, 26

112 21 Abies concolor (or grandis)-Pseudotsuga menziesii 47
522, 530, 541 84240, 84260(f) 29 5

112 22 Picea engelmannii-Abies lasiocarpa 48, 49(f), 96 12(f), 12A, 12B, 12E, 12G(f), 12H(f) 518(f), 544
35 2 42001(f) 42001(f)
112 23 Pseudotsuga menziesii 36, 67, 68

9, 9B, 9D(f), 9E, 9F, 9I(f), 9J, 9K, 9L, 9R

511, 523(f), 537, 546

24(f) 42003(f) 42003(f)
Montane or boreal cold-deciduous closed tree canopy
122 31 Populus tremuloides

391(f), 720, 731, 745, 759
3 10(f), 25 41001(f) 41001(f)
Seasonally/temporarily flooded cold-deciduous closed tree canopy
123 41 Lowland riparian--Populus fremontii, P. balsamifera, P. angustifolia
R2, R3 21 61610 58 27 61001
123 42 Mountain riparian--Populus angustifolia, P. deltoides, P. tremuloides, Salix, Alnus, Betula 93

59 26 61001
Rounded-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen open tree canopy
211 51 Pinus edulis or monophylla

16, 17 7

211 52 Pinyon-juniper woodland (P. edulis or monophylla with J. osteosperma or scopulorum)

18, 19 8
211 53 Juniper woodland (J. osteosperma or scopulorum)
5C, 5D
72123 in places 8, 9 6 42015 42015
211 54 Juniperus occidentalis
5A, 5B 401, 410-413, 420-431, 445, 524-526, 668, 685, 689, 695, plus many other mosaic types 71500, 72110, 72123

211 55 Pinus flexilis-P. albicaulis

6, 7, 27
42008, 42009
211 56 Pinus contorta

42004(w) 42004(w)
211 57 Pinus jeffreyi

85100(w) 31, 33

211 58 Pinus ponderosa 38 8A, 8B, 8D 503, 504, 528, 529, 539,540, 543, 545 71120, 81340, 84220(w)
22(w) 42010(w) 42010(w)
Conical-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen open tree canopy
212 62 Picea engelmannii or P. pungens-Abies lasiocarpa 49(w) 12(w), 12C, 12D, 12G(w), 12H(w) 518(w)

42001(w) 42001(w)
212 63 Pseudotsuga menziesii
9A, 9D(w), 9G, 9I(w) 523(w)

24(w) 42003(w) 42003(w)
Cold-deciduous open tree canopy
223 72 Populus tremuloides

391(w) 81B00 2 10(w) 41001(w) 41001(w)
223 73 Quercus garryana 35, 37
463, 475

300 80 Undifferentiated shrub types


Microphyllous evergreen shrubland
313 92 Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
17, 17A-G 312, 322, 324, 348, 712, 728, 729, 733, 734, 739, 743, 802
32006 32006
313 93 Artemisia cana

326, 702, 708 35212

313 96 Artemisia tridentata-A. arbuscula
15A, 21B, 21C 665, 671, 678, 679, 680, 682, 693, 699, 701, 703, 705-707, 711, 717, 724, 728, 729
48 14

313 97 Artemisia tridentata 11 15B 298-310, 440, plus many mosaics 35210, 35300 49 15 32007, 32009 32007, 32009
313 98 Artemisia tripartita 18 16 311

Temperate cold-deciduous shrubland
321 100 Miscellaneous temperate deciduous shrub types
18 355, 450, 460, 697 37510, 37530, 37550 47 12, 13 32001 32001
321 101 Cercocarpus ledifolius or montanus 28
380, 381, 719 35500 13, 14, 15 9 32002 32002
321 102 Purshia tridentata-Artemisia tridentata 9
349, 350-352, 613, 742, 749, 801 35100 39
32005 32005
321 103 Quercus gambelii

Seasonally/temporarily flooded cold-deciduous shrubland
323 110 Mixed or Undifferentiated deciduous alluvial shrub types
R1, R4 22, 805 63500, 63600

62001 62001
Extremely xeromorphic deciduous subdesert shrubland with or without succulents
331 125 Sarcobatus vermiculatus

361-364, 647, 650, 651, 658, 659, 748, 752, 754, 755, 756, 760, 767, 795, 798 36130 42 36 32012
Facultatively deciduous extremely xeromorphic subdesert shrubland
331 120 Mixed or Undifferentiated facultatively deciduous subdesert shrub types

8 35400, 36110 50 32 32010 32010
331 121 Atriplex confertifolia
19 325, 365-368, 371, 614, 709, 747, 757, 758, 763 36140

331 123 Atriplex nuttallii


Dwarf Shrubland
400 141 Artemisia nova
21D 317, 319

400 142 Artemisia arbuscula
21A 313-316, 616, 716, 723, 785 35211, 35310

313 94 Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longiloba

313 95 Artemisia rigida

321, 643, 717

Temperate or subpolar perennial grassland
524 161 Dry grassland - Pseudoroegneria (Agropyron), Poa 13, 29, 30, 82 2 4, 11, 12, 13, 16 43000
33 31001
524 162 Moist grassland - Festuca 31, 99
17, 24, 25, 26 42110, 45310

31003 31040
Temperate or subpolar annual grasslands or forb vegetation
533 165 Perennials and annual herbs and forbs--either mixed or not distinguished

54 16

533 170 Introduced annual grasses - Bromus tectorum, etc. 21, 22, 24, 32 3 1, 601, 602, 603, 607 42200

Non-tidal temperate or subpolar hydromorphic rooted vegetation
535 180 Marsh and wetland 92 4 31, 36, 648, 806 52320 65 38 62003
Alpine and subalpine meadows of the higher latitudes
536 191 Alpine tundra

536 192 Wet Meadow 51 6 38, 40 45010, 45100, 45210 53, 55 18, 19 62002, 82002 62002, 82002

Non-vegetated land cover types
VII.C.2.N.b. 214 Seasonally/temporarily flooded sand flats (e.g., playa)

327 11710, 11770, 11780 60 20 71001
VII.C.1.N. 215 Sparsely vegetated sand dunes
SAND 630

20 32013, 73001
VII.B. 216 Sparsely vegetated boulder, gravel, cobble, talus, rock 52, 100
18 11740 57 20 74001, 74002

Cultural land use types
991 210 Urban or human settlements, mining 102 U 3 11100 63 31 11001, 75001 11001, 75001
992 211 Agriculture 103 1 2 11200-11204 56 30 21001, 21002 21001, 21002
993 212 Open water, incl. ponds 89, 91 OW 9, 35, 652 11520-11531 64 1 52001 52001
994 213 Clearcut/logged area/plantation 83, 84, 85 C, BR 10 11401, 43100

0 0 Unknown type

42016 (burned) 99999