Publications Abstracts
Representations of Species Distributions Using Maps, Images, and
Sighting Data
Allan D. Hollander,
Frank W. Davis, and David M. Stoms
Geographic Information
Systems technology permits the generation of complex representations
of species distributions, while most of the data underlying these
patterns are coarse. This suggests the importance of structuring such
data along axes of differing data extent, tiling schemes, themes,
and time, and displaying different representations of distributions,
the philosophy being that comparison of multiple representations provides
a sense of the actual distribution through convergence of evidence.
We present an example using a lizard, the orange-throated whiptail
(Cnemidophorus hyperythrus), which is native to southern California.
The analysis was hierarchically structured by first mapping overall
lizard range limits, then suitable habitats within the range, and
then habitats over a local extent. Data sources include a generalized
range outline, museum records, and field observations, as well as
climate data, vegetation maps, and satellite imagery to serve as associated
environmental variables. Comparison of representations resulting from
these different data sources makes biases evident, highlights areas
of inadequate sampling, and can lead to new inferences about habitat
relationships. Finally, we discuss forthcoming improvements in the
technology that will facilitate creation and display of families of