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The UCSB IBM Environmental Research Program is doing a gap analysis of the intermountain sagebrush ecoregion. AVHRR imagery is being downloaded daily using a local receiving station. It might be best to browse the thumbnails before acquiring the more sizeable actual data via ftp.

Browse AVHRR Thumbnails

Get full resolution AVHRR imagery via ftp

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AVHRR Thumbnail Imagery

Each reduced resolution gif image has been subsampled to 1/3 original resolution. AVHRR band 1 (visible) images are provided for browsing before collecting all bands of full resolution data.

07/28/96 253k 07/10/96 230k 07/09/96 237k 07/02/96 236k 07/01/96 239k
06/30/96 207k 06/29/96 198k 06/28/96 211k 06/27/96 195k 06/24/96 242k
06/10/96 202k 06/09/96 152k 06/05/96 184k 06/04/96 197k 06/03/96 239k
06/02/96 232k 06/01/96 224k 05/31/96 194k 05/30/96 188k 05/27/96 243k
05/26/96 261k 05/26/96 261k 05/25/96 236k 05/24/96 227k 05/23/96 230k
05/22/96 225k 05/18/96 243k 05/15/96 244k 05/09/96 205k 05/08/96 225k
05/07/96 213k 05/06/96 222k 05/05/96 213k 05/04/96 187k 05/03/96 168k
04/28/96 198k 04/27/96 186k 04/26/96 192k 04/25/96 184k 04/24/96 205k
04/19/96 230k 04/18/96 238k 04/17/96 247k 04/11/96 220k 04/10/96 243k
04/09/96 240k 04/08/96 241k 04/07/96 239k 04/06/96 210k 04/02/96 237k
04/01/96 215k 03/30/96 222k 03/29/96 232k 03/23/96 226k 03/22/96 252k
03/21/96 0k 03/20/96 216k 03/19/96 221k 03/18/96 199k 03/11/96 237k
03/10/96 231k 03/05/96 249k 03/02/96 226k 02/24/96 257k 02/23/96 242k
02/14/96 212k 02/13/96 182k 02/12/96 193k 02/11/96 208k 02/06/96 227k
01/18/96 218k 01/17/96 234k 01/07/96 196k 12/21/95 229k 12/10/95 240k
12/09/95 239k 12/08/95 229k 11/19/95 184k 11/15/95 220k 11/14/95 213k
11/13/95 217k 11/12/95 228k 11/11/95 210k 11/10/95 195k 11/04/95 216k
10/27/95 203k 10/26/95 216k 10/25/95 201k 10/24/95 180k 10/23/95 191k
10/22/95 162k 10/17/95 193k 10/15/95 197k 10/14/95 173k 10/12/95 137k
10/06/95 230k 10/05/95 200k 10/04/95 167k 10/03/95 153k 10/01/95 10k
09/29/95 211k 09/02/95 216k 09/01/95 228k 08/31/95 225k 08/30/95 175k
08/20/95 169k 08/19/95 196k 08/18/95 164k 08/17/95 113k 08/11/95 166k
08/10/95 182k 08/09/95 217k 08/08/95 118k 08/03/95 241k 08/02/95 194k
08/01/95 204k 07/27/95 227k 07/26/95 236k 07/25/95 243k 07/24/95 208k
07/23/95 182k 07/22/95 226k 07/21/95 209k 07/17/95 235k 07/16/95 221k
07/15/95 223k 07/14/95 186k 07/13/95 182k 07/06/95 237k 07/05/95 213k
07/04/95 231k 07/03/95 242k 06/28/95 236k 06/27/95 236k 06/24/95 195k
06/20/95 211k 06/19/95 225k 06/18/95 244k 06/17/95 240k 06/16/95 254k
06/10/95 217k 06/09/95 253k 06/08/95 256k 06/05/95 201k 06/01/95 258k
05/31/95 249k 05/30/95 255k 05/29/95 256k 05/28/95 256k 05/21/95 253k
05/20/95 253k 05/18/95 239k 05/13/95 251k 05/11/95 252k 05/10/95 238k
05/09/95 232k 05/08/95 216k 05/07/95 198k 05/04/95 255k 05/03/95 251k
05/01/95 252k 04/21/95 214k 04/20/95 248k 04/19/95 211k 04/11/95 228k
04/10/95 187k 04/09/95 143k 04/06/95 252k 04/05/95 246k 04/04/95 224k
04/03/95 204k 04/02/95 199k 04/01/95 218k 03/31/95 156k 03/28/95 207k
03/27/95 205k 03/26/95 227k 03/25/95 243k 03/24/95 248k 03/23/95 240k
03/22/95 205k 03/07/95 237k 03/06/95 242k 02/26/95 256k 02/25/95 249k
02/24/95 238k 02/23/95 226k

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AVHRR Full Resolution Imagery via ftp

These are the current AVHRR images we have received from our local receiving station. Each gzip'ed tar file contains 5 image bands and 3 bands of information on satellite position and look angle. Each tar file also contains files with specific information on the acquired pass. If you click on one of these, you'll get a gzip'ed tar file via ftp. Each image has been manually georeferenced.

Warning: these images can take a while to get depending on your network speed.

07/28/96 13820k 07/10/96 13092k 07/09/96 12993k 07/02/96 13366k
07/01/96 11965k 06/30/96 11107k 06/29/96 10817k 06/28/96 11036k
06/27/96 9838k 06/24/96 12930k 02/23/95 11494k

Help with FTP data.

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Email stoms@bren.ucsb.edu