ERP Data Sets
UCSB IBM Environmental Research Program is doing a gap analysis
of the intermountain sagebrush ecoregion. AVHRR imagery is
being downloaded daily using a local receiving station. It
might be best to browse the thumbnails before acquiring the
more sizeable actual data via ftp. |
Get full resolution AVHRR imagery
via ftp
Go to UCSB IBM ERP home page
AVHRR Thumbnail Imagery
Each reduced resolution gif image has been subsampled to 1/3
original resolution. AVHRR band 1 (visible) images are provided
for browsing before collecting all bands of full resolution data.
AVHRR Full Resolution Imagery via ftp
These are
the current AVHRR images we have received from our local receiving
station. Each gzip'ed tar file contains 5 image bands and 3 bands
of information on satellite position and look angle. Each tar file
also contains files with specific information on the acquired pass.
If you click on one of these, you'll get a gzip'ed tar file via
ftp. Each image has been manually georeferenced.
Warning: these images can take a while
to get depending on your network speed.
Go to UCSB IBM ERP home page