GIS Data
Geodatabase of Mapping compatibility to minimize biodiversity impacts of solar energy development (12/21/11) [NOte: This URL will take you to a web mapping service maintained by the Mojave Desert Ecosystem Project. You will be able to display and explore components of the spatial model, download data and a white paper describing the products, and discover other regional data.
High-resolution bioclimate grids for the California Deserts: 270m resolution grids of temperature seasonality, mean maximum daily temperature of the warmest month, mean minimum daily temperature of the coldest month, annual precipitation, annual Growing Degree Days (5 deg C threshold), and aridity index, for 1981-2010 and 2040-2069. Mid-century projections are downscaled outputs from three different GCMs used in CMIP5: IPSL, FGOALS-G2 and CCSM4.
Plant species distribution models, California Deserts, version Feb2014: Species distribution models, historical and mid-century projections, for selected plant taxa of conservation significance in the California Mojave and Sonoran Desert ecoregions.
Animal species distribution models, California Deserts, version Feb2014: Species distribution models, historical and mid-century projections, for selected animal taxa of conservation significance in the California Mojave and Sonoran Desert ecoregions.
California Gap Analysis Project -- Final Report and Database 08/05/98 [Note: This links to a legacy website where you will find data, metadata and documents from the California Gap Analysis Project conducted between 1991 and 1998. The site and associated databases are no longer being maintained.]